Visual & Installer - Visual Studio extension for creating NSIS and Inno Setup installers

Visual Installer box

VI iconVisual & Installer - unSigned Donation Program

Disclaimer: This program is our appreciation to those people who has done a great contribution to Microsoft Visual Studio community. unSigned reserved all rights on this program.


You may request one FREE license for each product owned by unSigned, if you meet either of the following conditions:
  • Microsoft MVP
  • Owner or Committer of a qualified Visual Studio Open Source project

Terms Of Use

  • The applicator, which is a legal natural entity, will own the donated licenses. You may use the license in any of your own projects, including commercial. However, you can not use the license in your (employer's) company.
  • You have no obligation to broadcast our products. However we will appreciate it if you are happy with our products and would love to do that by yourself.
  • For Microsoft MVPs, your name will not be listed in any form.
  • For open source projects, your project will be listed in the end of this page. (We do hope that our products can also benefit your users, e.g. creating installer for your project using NSIS or Inno Setup).

How to Join our Donation Program

Please write an email to customers[at] with the subject "unSigned Donation Program"

The email should contain the following information

==Email Begin==

[A short description]

[Requested licenses]

[Contact Information]

First Name:
Last Name:

[Project Information] (*Required for Open-Source projects)

Project Name:
Project License:
Description: (One line short description)
Your Rule:

Disclaimer: I agree on the Terms of Use in unSigned Donation Program.

==Email End==

tip Note:
Once you are proved and joined our Donation program, we will creae a free order for you so that you will receive an email notification. You just need to confirm the details and follow the instructions to complete the order. Licenses will be instantly delivered.

You will typically get response in a week. If you haven't get any response, please visit our community pages.

Open Source Projects Joined in Our Donation Program

==All Open Source Projects will be listed here==